What data points are required for Payments?
- Subject’s Legal First Name
- Subject’s Legal Last Name
- Street Address including Apartment Number if applicable
- City, State, Zip code
- Date of Birth
- Gender
*SSN if stipend payments will reach over $201 in a calendar year
*Email if subject would like to register their card to use as a Debit card
Where can I get training in Study Payments?
Make sure your manager requests a Study Payments account with the role "Participant Check in and Pay" using the sign up form.
Then, take the online training at the URL provided by the Finance Group when they processed your account setup request.
How do I enter in visits for subjects who have been paid by another method already?
1. Mark the visits that have already occurred (and have been paid through another route) as “N/A” in the Payments system.
2. Check in the next visit to be paid through Payments as “Occurred.”
3. Finish Check-in and Pay as you would for a first-time visit/payment.
Note: Do not forget to attach the signed ICF page and any reimbursement forms/receipts (if applicable)
How do I Add or Remove Study Personnel on an Existing Protocol in Payments?
Please use the Existing Protocol Change Request Form.
How to I request changes to an existing protocol in Study Payments?
Please use the Existing Protocol Change Request Form.
What should I do if I get locked out of Payments?
Locked out of Payments? Reset your password.
How do I enter a new protocol in Payments?
Once you have a Study Payments Account, you will submit
New Protocol in Payments Request form
What if I have a change in Protocol Accrual or Enrollment Status?
Please use the Existing Protocol Change Request Form.
What if I have changes to Stipend Schedule or Reimbursements?
Please use the Existing Protocol Change Request Form.
What is an MCW Study Participant Payments Card?
An MCW Study Participant Payment Card is a reloadable debit card that provides a secure method of payment for research study participants . The card may be used at ATM’s and anywhere Visa cards are accepted.
What is OnCore?
OnCore is MCW’s enterprise software for clinical trials and research studies.