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OnCore Integrations

MCW's eBridge to OnCore Interface. This new application program interface (API) is the first build of its kind at MCW and the missing link between eBridge, MCW’s Research Management Application and OnCore, the enterprise software for clinical trials lifecycle management.

About OnCore Integrations

OnCore Integrations are part of larger ongoing efforts to reduce administrative burden on research staff through:

  • Faster Entry Time: Designed for enhanced productivity - pulling data from one system and pushing into OnCore.
  • Greater Uniformity: Greater consistency in data points between systems.
  • Better Tracking & Reporting: Provides uniform tracking of protocol activation metrics for more accurate reporting, enabling study teams to fulfill sponsor needs and comply with NCI reporting requirements.
  • Less Errors: Automated data pushes will help to eliminate manual data entry mistakes. 

For more information, contact the MCW OnCore team or view the (PDF). Integrations as of 4/1/2024


 Florence eBINDERS

Florence eBinders™ support for the automated creation of basic binder folder structures and study team roles in eBinders. 


 Forte Payments System

Payments Integration OnCore offers out-of-the-box Integrations with Forte Payments


eBridge to OnCore interface (API) is the first build of its kind at MCW and the missing link between eBridge, MCW’s Research Management Application and OnCore, the enterprise software for clinical trials lifecycle management.

 Froedert & MCW logo

Study Information Portal from OnCore to the  public website. (Currently only cancer trials utilize the study portal. Expanded use to include non-cancer trials will be available at a future date.) Allows patients and families to search open clinical trials.

 Children's Wisconsin


Study Information Portal from OnCore to the  public website. Allows patients and families to search open clinical trials (currently cancer-only trials, but expansion to non-cancer forthcoming.)


 Data Warehouse

 CRDW Data Warehouse Push of trials/biospecimen data from OnCore to CRDW Data Warehouse


Epic Systems Feed of patient demographics to OnCore from Epic (Froedtert). OnCore sends protocol and subject status information to the Epic research record (RPE interface).


For more informationcontact us at OnCore@mcw.edu