Header: Use the same style for your cover letter. Include your name, permanent or current address, one phone number, and one email. You may include a website i.e. LinkedIn that presents you in a professional manner.
Professional Profile/Qualifications: Usually 2-3 sentences or list 2-4 bullet points that summarize your history, background and unique qualifications, tailored to the position.
Education: Use Areas of Expertise or Emphasis to communicate your research topic area, or method expertise for non-specialized audiences. Only include topics that are relevant to the position. Depending on when you graduated and the relevancy to the position, your education can be at the top of the end of your resume.
Experience: This experience may include all your experiences, paid and unpaid, volunteer, community services or professional. Analyzed each experience with regard to the skills abilities, leadership positions and accomplishments gained. Quantify the statements, where possible, and use action verbs. Organize the sections of your CV or resume with the most relevant sections first. For example, teaching position, you may want to list teaching experience on the top.
Honors/Awards/Grants: All awards and honors received should be listed with year, award titles, institution (organization). Grant should include your role, the funding agency/institution, amount (if application), title and date.
Skills: It may include laboratory skills, technical skills, foreign language, computer, research skills and others. Aligned skill set with job requirement and qualifications.
Presentations/Publications: List most recent accomplishments first using the citation style of your discipline (APA, MLA). If publication in under review, under contract or revised and resubmitted, they typically can be listed in the publication section so long as the stats is clearly marked.