
ʼһ School of Graduate Studies U1-Research 2F Microscope Lab-Grad-hero

 Career Options 



Any academic institution including K-12 institutions, colleges, universities, medical centers or free-standing research institutions.

Science Education & Outreach

Science educators break down scientific concepts for the broader community. Work as a teacher to inspire future scientists. Other organizations and nonprofits need outreach coordinators and event planners to raise awareness and make science relevant to the public.

Government & Non-Profit

Any organization operated by federal, state, local or foreign governments or non-governmental organization that does not operate to make a profit.

  • HR University
Science Communication & Publishing

Many communications careers involve scientific writing in the form of journal articles, popular press articles, press releases and case study documentation.

Industry Research

Continue your career as a researcher in biomedical and pharmaceutical industries.

Pharmaceutical segment - The industry’s mainstay and is composed of large, fully integrated, global players.

Biotechnology segment - Is an upstart, having emerged commercially only 30 years ago, but is increasingly the engine of innovation in biomedicine.

Medical device segment - Is much older than biotech, but is composed of many fewer players, and owing to the nature of its products, exemplifies the life-saving power of “convergence”: a marriage of engineering know-how and biomedical science.

Diagnostics segment - has grown up along mainstream pharmaceuticals, and has acquired a new dynamism and centrality since the advent of the genomics revolution.

For more information, refer to the links below:

Business & Commercialization

Build a company or apply your skills to business.

Law Policy & Regulatory Affairs

Help people conduct and use science, responsibly. Patent and intellectual property, science policy experts, and regulatory affairs professionals involves expert scientific knowledge combined with the ability to read and write highly detailed laws, policies & procedures.

Medicine & Healthcare

Apply your scientific background to improving the physical and mental well-being of others. 

Professional Associations

Professional Associations List





Medicine Biology

Microbiology & Immunology




Public Health


Additional Career Option Resources