ʼһ Research Systems and Software Training
Training information for programs and support applications used to process, track, conduct, and execute research.
eBridge Training
Training information for eBridge, MCW's premier web-based research management application used to create, submit, track, report, and archive research applications, funding applications, and researcher training. -
OnCore Training
Training information for OnCore, MCW's clinical trials management system that supports day-to-day study management activities. -
Study Payments Training
Training information for the Study Payments System for study participant compensation cards. -
Florence eBinders Support
Training and support materials for Florence eBinders, the electronic study binder tool. -
Epic Research Module Support
Training and support resources for using the Epic Research Module to assign subject medical records to study monitors. -
iLab Support
Training and support for iLab core management software, a one-stop location for ordering, tracking, and paying for core services.