
Research Bench Lab

Staff Onboarding for Clinical Research-Related Training

A centralized location for access to clinical research-related training and orientation materials for Froedtert Health, Children's Wisconsin, and CTSI.

Froedtert & the ʼһ

Research Coordinator Onboarding Checklist

The Human Research Operations Education Subcommittee (HROC) is delighted to present an onboarding checklist that includes standardized training for new research staff personnel. This checklist outlines the Froedtert & the ʼһ established research training curriculum, along with suggested timelines for completion, tailored to specific research staff roles or studies. In preparation for Workday and future proposed training requirements, we strongly recommend this checklist for all incoming research staff and also suggest it as a refresher for experienced staff. Recommendation and update requests can be sent to Jeanette Graf or Char Klis.

Attachment Type

Questions/Technical Support
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Office.

Froedtert & ʼһ Clinical Trials Acronym List

If you are new to Clinical Trials work review this list of Acronyms. We use many acronyms from the industry as well as specific to MCW. It helps to be familiar with them. 

Attachment Type

Questions/Technical Support
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Office.

Children's Wisconsin

Access the CW HRPP online: 

(CW Intranet Access Required)

General Inquiries: CWHRPP@childrenswi.org

Pediatric Research Coordinator Onboarding Checklist

This is intended to educate new employees about CW/MCW’s research policies and procedures. There is a lot to learn about the research processes at the ʼһ, Versiti and Children’s. This is a tool to assist you with some not all key components that help set you up for success! Our goal is to spread this information out over your first 120 days to make it more manageable.

Attachment Type

Questions / Technical Support
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Office.

MCW/CW Glossary of Terms

This glossary of terms is intended to provide our campus research professionals with a quick reference to many of the most common terms and phrases used in research here on MCW/CW campus.

Attachment Type

Questions/Technical Support 
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Office.

Mentorship Tip Sheet

The Mentor/Mentee Relationship Tip Sheet

Attachment Type

Questions/Technical Support
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Office.

How to Ask Someone to be a Mentor

Everyone needs formal and informal mentors to help them grow and learn. It can be scary to ask someone to be your mentor. Here are some Dos and Don’ts that may help when asking someone to be your mentor.

Attachment Type

Questions/Technical Support
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Office.