
ʼһ School of Graduate Studies U1-Research 2F Microscope Lab-Grad-hero

ʼһ MPH Program Courses & Curriculum

Public Health Curriculum

Master of Public Health Degree Program

The MPH (PDF) consists of 42 credits drawn from required and elective courses. This requirement applies to all programs accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH).

  • 4 Core Courses - 12 credits
  • 6 Concentration Courses - 18 credits
  • Elective Courses - 6 credits
  • Field Placement (includes 1 credit for Field Placement Preparation) - 3 credits
  • Capstone Project - 3 credits
Dual Degree 4 + 1 MPH Program
  • 4 core courses - 12 credits
  • 6 Concentration courses - 18 credits
  • Foundations in Public Health course - 3 credits
  • Elective course - 3 credits
  • Field Placement (includes 1 credit for Field Placement Preparation) - 3 credits
  • Capstone Project - 3 credits
Certificate in Public Health

This Graduate Certificate (PDF) consists of 12 credits all of which are required courses. Students in this certificate program enroll in the core public health courses with students in the MPH Program.

  • Public Health Theory & Practice
  • Principles of Public Health Data & Epidemiology
  • Public Health Administration
  • Public Health Analytics
Certificate in Community Health Assessment & Planning

This Certificate in Community Health Assessment and Planning (PDF) consists of 12 credits: 2 required courses and 2 electives.

2 required courses - 6 credits

  • Community Health Assessment & Improvement
  • Community Health Program Planning

2 electives - 6 credits

  • Community Health Program Evaluation
  • Health Communication
  • Public Health Policy
  • Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
  • Leadership in Public Health
  • Racial & Ethnic Inequalities in Public Health

One to two years experience working in health care, worksite wellness, or public health is strongly recommended.

Certificate in Population Health Management

This Certificate in Population Health Management (PDF) consists of 12 credits: 1 required courses and 3 electives.

1 required Course - 3 credits

  • Introduction to Population Health Management

3 electives - 9 credits

  • Principles of Public Health Data & Epidemiology
  • Community Health Program Evaluation
  • Public Health Policy
  • Community Health Program Planning
  • Racial and Ethnic Inequalities in Health
  • Public Health Analytics
  • Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
  • Leadership for the Public's Health
  • Health Communication
  • Community Health Assessment and Improvement
  • Public Health Theory and Practice
  • Foundations of Public Health
  • Health Administration
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Public Health Law and Ethics

Experience working in a health care system, health plan, employer benefit plan, or public health department is recommended.

Course Offerings


18165 Principles of Public Health Data and Epidemiology (Fall)

18203 Public Health Administration (Fall)
18204 Public Health Analytics (Spring)
18155 Public Health Theory & Practice (Fall) 

Please refer to the Graduate School Handbook for full course descriptions

18209 Community Health Assessment and Improvement (Fall)

18160 Racial and Ethnic Inequalities in Health (Spring)

18223 Public Health Policy (Fall)

18230 Community Health Program Planning (Spring)

18260 Community Health Program Evaluation (Fall)

18268 Leadership for the Public’s Health (Summer)

18279 Field Placement Preparation (offered every semester)

18280 Field Placement (offered every semester)

18297 Capstone Project (offered every semester)

Please refer to the Graduate School Handbook for full course descriptions


18101 Foundations of Public Health (Summer)

18115 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Spring)

18150 Public Health Law and Ethics (Summer)

18215 Infectious Diseases (Spring)

18232 Introduction to Population Health Management (Summer)

18241 Health Communication (Fall) 

Please refer to the Graduate School Handbook for full course descriptions