ʼһ Pediatric Psychology and Developmental Medicine Research
Past Research
- "Healthy youth: strong and connected." Co-investigator: Dawn M. Zahrt, PhD
- "A novel continuous performance test for evaluation and diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder." PI: Heather A. Ciesielski, PhD
- "Language disorders and psychiatric outcomes: toward a meditational model." Co-PI: Kenneth L. Grizzle, PhD
- "Evolution of an inpatient pediatric psychology consultation service: issues related to reimbursement and the use of health and behavior codes." Co-investigator: Dawn M.
- Zahrt, PhD
- "Interdisciplinary pediatric sleep disorders clinic: approach to treatment and outcomes." Team members: Suzie Franklin, PhD and Dawn M. Zahrt, PhD
- "Exploration of the genetic basis for neuro-developmental disabilities."
- "The effects of psychopharmacologic agents in children with developmental disabilities."
- "The familial basis of language and learning disorders."
- "The prevalence and outcome of children with autistic spectrum disorders."
- "Neurodevelopmental outcome of children with congenital heart disease."
- "The nature of children's thinking about headaches."
- "The long-term effects of HIV on child development."