MCW Maternal Research Placenta & Cord Blood Bank
The MCW Maternal Research Placenta & Cord Blood Bank is an extension of the MCW Tissue Bank and serves to support physicians and medical researchers across campus in the investigation of various conditions and potential treatments. Cord blood is an essential source of stem cells and is increasing being used on an experimental basis to treat diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and many more. Research supported by this program may also involve the discovery of new medications or the advancement of current treatment methods. Therefore, Banking cord blood and making it available to researchers is essential to future research that could potentially extend many lives. Consent to this program involves a one-time donation of blood and tissue samples discarded from a single pregnancy.
Participation Information
Tissue Banking at MCW involves storing health information and blood or tissue samples in the MCW Tissue Bank for the purpose of medical research. Consent to this program only applies to a single pregnancy and any future pregnancies would require separate consent. Participants who choose to participate in MCW Maternal Research Placenta & Cord Blood Bank consent to the following:
- A one-time blood collection at your next routine clinical blood draw. Since the blood is collected during a routine clinical draw, no extra needle sticks are necessary, and the amount of blood taken (less than one tablespoon) does not pose any increased risk.
- Permission to bank any remnants of blood or tissue that would otherwise be discarded following a single consented pregnancy. This may include cord blood, blood, and birth related tissues such as placenta or umbilical cord.
- Permission to securely access and use some of your electronic health information to provide research teams linked to your samples.
Eligibility Requirements
- Over 18 years of age
- Currently pregnant
- A patient of Froedtert Hospital and the ʼһ
- The ability to speak and read English (consent form is only available in English currently)
Contact Information
- (414) 805-2526
To consent, please contact your Froedtert & the ʼһ provider.