MCW COVID-19 Tissue Bank Program
The MCW Tissue Bank COVID-19 Program is the newest extension of the MCW Tissue Bank and serves to support physicians and medical researchers across campus in the investigation of COVID-19. The novel coronavirus has impacted the globe, and we are committed to expanding our knowledge and doing our part to help end the pandemic. The post-COVID-19 recovery blood sample is an invaluable contribution to scientific research and the potential development of novel treatments.
COVID-19 Tissue Bank Program Consent
Please click on the arrow to watch a seven-minute video to learn more about the COVID-19 Tissue Bank Program. It is a summary of the COVID-19 Tissue Bank Program consent form and participation information. It includes the purpose of the program, risks, benefits, and confidentiality. Your participation is completely voluntary.
Participation Information
Tissue Banking at MCW involves storing health information and blood or tissue samples in the MCW Tissue Bank for the purpose of medical research. Participants who choose to participate in the MCW Tissue Bank COVID-19 Program consent to the following:
- Once fully recovered from COVID-19, agreement to return to our main campus in Milwaukee to provide a one-time research only blood sample during a 15-minute appointment. The amount of blood taken will be less than two tablespoons does not pose any increased risk.
- Permission to bank any remnants of a clinical test you may have had for diagnosis. This most likely refers to your nasal swab if it has not already been disposed of.
- Permission to securely access and use some of your electronic health information to provide research teams linked to your samples.
Eligibility Requirements
- Over 18 years of age
- History of a positive COVID-19 diagnostic test (within the past 8 weeks preferred)
- A patient of Froedtert and the ʼһ
- The ability to speak and read English (consent form is only available in English currently)
Contact Information
- (414) 805-4842
Patient Inquiry Form
Please scroll down to submit the MCW Tissue Bank Patient Inquiry Form.