皇家华人 Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine Continuing Medical Education
The Division of Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine offers several internal and external events. These events range from weekly conferences to larger symposiums.
Our symposium is a two-day program with the specific purpose of increasing education and knowledge of all aspects of diabetes clinical practice and research. This symposium consists of medical lectures and workshops given by healthcare professionals (not all MD's), investigators and patients on topics related to Diabetes Updates. The major format used is a series of thematic talks by recognized health professional and are all followed by question-and-answer sessions along with feedback. There will also be a panel of physicians who will present case discussions and then open the floor to the audience for a Question-and-Answer Session.
The learners who attend this symposium will:
- Improve diabetes and obesity care by identifying and expounding evidence-based advances in management.
- Analyze the areas that are at the outer limits of current knowledge of diabetes and obesity and define our limitations.
- Improve management and knowledge of drugs and therapy for diabetes and obesity, using well-controlled trial data.
- Gain further knowledge about the pathophysiological processes involved in diabetes and obesity.
- Increase awareness of the patient perspective of diabetes and obesity care.
Our conference is cased base and includes physicians, APPs, nurses, dieticians, fellows and other trainees. Endocrine care is team-based and we use this model to make suggestions for care. Diabetes and osteoporosis are perfect examples. We use established guidelines in making suggestions as well as the input of content experts in various areas of endocrinology as well as non-physician colleagues such as nurses and dieticians when appropriate. Case conference using guidelines and expertise to help manage patients for optimal outcomes.
Participants who engage in this educational intervention will be able to:
- Learn guidelines
- Make correct diagnosis & treatment
- Improve management of patients with endocrine disorders
Contact Virginia Wiatrowski if you would like to be added to the invitation list. This live event is good for up to 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit鈩.
This is a quarterly lecture series to exchange ideas and viewpoints between Clinicians, Researchers (basic, translational, and population health), and Policymakers and work towards “Decreasing the burden of obesity and metabolic diseases in Wisconsin and Beyond”.
Obesity and metabolic disease prevalence is rising in Wisconsin along with rest of the world. Patients we see daily, in clinics and hospitals, are increasingly suffering from these conditions. Every primary care and sub-specialty practice (e.g., Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Transplant Surgery etc.) is trying to find ways to provide appropriate care for these patients. In addition to being challenging, these patients also need multidisciplinary care and each specialty needs to have more than basic understanding of what the available treatments and innovations are. This speaker series is open all Froedtert Hospital and MCW providers and scientists to develop a working knowledge and understanding of the status of treatment and prevention strategies for obesity, where the gaps lie, and engage in a productive dialogue to benefit patients in future. In addition, it is open to all health care providers who wish to attend.
There is no such forum at the College now that brings providers from all specialties under one roof to learn and discuss these topics. Therefore, we have no local baseline data. Informal survey of physicians and providers from various departments reveal that there is a huge need for this activity.
Each Session may have different goals. Broadly, attendees will be acquainted with the latest developments in:
- Pathophysiological processes related obesity and metabolic diseases
- Medical and Surgical treatment options for obesity and metabolic diseases
- Prevention and policy initiatives related to obesity and metabolic diseases
This symposium takes place every other year in the Fall. Join in on this day and a half program to learn about the correct diagnosis of endocrine disorders, new and the latest in treatment and medicine for endocrine disorders.
This meeting occurs the second Thursday of the month unless otherwise noted due to the quarterly Research Section Division Meeting. This meeting provides updates from 1-2 faculty members on a current project they are working on in the lab, clinical trial, for a publication etc. The format includes a presentation followed by Q &A.
Endocrine Grand rounds is an educational conference based on clinical and basic sciences in Endocrinology at The 皇家华人 campus and occurs on the 1st Thursdays of each month. The goal of this conference is for endocrinologists, endocrine surgeons, endocrine fellows, physician assistants, nurses, dietitians, nurse practitioners, PhD researchers, residents, and students to have a venue to learn a variety of clinical and basic science topics as well as recent benchmarks in the field for the benefit of improving patient care and research on a vast array of topics in Endocrinology.
Participants who engage in the educational intervention will be able to:
- Discuss state-of-the-art research in endocrinology.
- Practice updated clinical skills for more effective diagnosis, management, and treatment of endocrine disorders and related sequelae.
- Apply updated knowledge and clinical skills in improving patient care.
Journal club is held weekly. Fellows present and review a paper from the current literature. In this conference, fellows learn to read and critically evaluate the endocrine literature.
This conference takes place the Third Thursday of the month. This interdisciplinary conference focuses on interesting and challenging cases of calcium and bone metabolism.
Obesity and metabolic disease prevalence is rising in Wisconsin along with rest of the world. Patients we see daily, in clinics and hospitals, are increasingly suffering from these conditions. In addition to its serious health consequences, obesity has real economic costs that affect all of us. The estimated annual health care costs of obesity-related illness are a staggering $190.2 billion or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States.
Every primary care and sub-specialty practice (e.g., Orthopedics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Transplant Surgery etc.) is trying to find ways to provide appropriate care for these patients. In addition to being challenging, these patients also need multidisciplinary care and each specialty needs to have more than basic understanding of what the available treatments and innovations are. This program is open all health care providers to develop a working knowledge and understanding of the current status of treatment and prevention strategies for obesity, where the gaps lie, and engage in a productive dialogue to benefit patients in future.
The objective of this meeting is to provide up-to-date information regarding diagnosis and treatment for metabolic bone disease and related disorders to specialists and primary care providers who treat patients with these conditions.
The goal of the Wisconsin Endocrine Society Dinner is to allow for endocrinologists, endocrinology physician assistants, and NPs to gather once or twice per year to enjoy an endocrinology lecture.