
Medical School
Master of Science in Anesthesia Anesthesiologist Assistant Program

MCW Master of Science in Anesthesia Course List

Session 1 (August – December)

5051 Intro to Physiology (2 credits)

Physiology for the Anesthesiologist Assistant provides a thorough review of human cellular and organ systems physiology.

5021 Human Anatomy (1.5 credits)

Anatomy for the Anesthesiologist Assistant incorporates the relevant human anatomy concepts pertinent to anesthesia practice.

5031 Physics for Anesthesia (1.5 credits)

Physics for Anesthesia reviews relevant physical principles involved in the delivery of anesthesia and in the care of the surgical patient.

5041 Pharmacology I (1.5 credits)

Pharmacology I provides introductory concepts in pharmacology (pharmacodynamics, -kinetics, -genomics) as well as instruction on the pharmacology and application of commonly utilized medications in the clinical anesthesia environment.

5211 Foundations in Anesthesia (2 credits)

Foundations in Anesthesia provides the learner with an introduction to anesthesia concepts. Students will learn basic practices and principles in anesthesia care including foundations in general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care, intravenous catheterization, and pharmacology.

5311 Patient Assessment I (0.5 credits)

Patient Assessment I prepares the student to perform a preoperative interview including a focused preoperative medical history, review of the electronic medical record, and physical exam. Students will practice interviewing skills and performing cardiac, pulmonary, and airway exams. Application of findings and appropriate use of expert consultants are discussed.

5411 Anesthesia Planning I (0.5 credits)

Anesthesia Planning I is designed to prepare students for care of the healthy surgical patient while focusing on the knowledge and skills necessary to formulate, organize, prepare and implement an anesthetic plan. Students will learn to plan for the necessary drugs, airway devices, and other tools needed to be fully prepared to manage an average anesthetic.

5511 Anesthesia Simulation I (2 credits)

In Anesthesia Simulation I, learners will develop and apply real-time monitoring and decision-making skills necessary for supervised clinical education. This hands-on course is designed to develop skills and apply concepts using high-fidelity simulation, task trainers, and intraoperative equipment. Airway skills and physiologic monitoring will be incorporated into the course activities to create a foundational knowledge of monitored anesthesia care and general anesthesia.

5711 Intro to Clinical Anesthesia (0.5 credits)

In Intro to Clinical Anesthesia, learners will be introduced to the clinical environment to observe anesthesia practices and management as well as be introduced to the perioperative environment and policies and practices of patient care through the surgical period.

Session 2 (January – April)

5111 Anesthesia Equipment and Delivery Systems (1.5 credits)

Anesthesia Equipment and Delivery Systems reviews the mechanical, electrical, and pneumatic components of anesthesia delivery systems. Applications to practice such as pre-use safety checks are included. In particular an in depth study of the anesthesia delivery machine, oxygen delivery, and suctioning systems is covered.

5121 Perioperative Monitoring (3 credits)

Perioperative Monitoring provides learners with the relevant knowledge and skills for monitoring perioperative patients through basic and complex anesthetics. The course includes applied physics principles for monitoring equipment, troubleshooting, and planning and selection. As well as, clinical diagnostics based upon the resulting monitoring data. An emphasis is placed on mechanical ventilators and non-invasive and invasive monitoring modalities which comply with the American Society of Anesthesiologists Standards for Basic Anesthetic Monitoring.

5042 Pharmacology for Anesthesia II (2 credits)

Pharmacology II is a continuation of Pharmacology I and introduces pharmacological concepts and application of medications used to manage various patient comorbidities in the clinical environment.

5221 Implementation and Management I (2 credits)

Implementation and Management I is designed to develop anesthesia knowledge tailored to patient comorbidities and surgical procedures with an emphasis on cardiac and pulmonary disease. Anesthesia pharmacology, practice skills, detection, and management of common pathological conditions and postoperative complications are included.

5312 Patient Assessment II (0.5 credits)

Patient Assessment II is a continuation of Patient Assessment I. This course furthers the student’s understanding and ability to perform preoperative assessments on patients with both simple and complex medical conditions ranging from mild to severe. Pathophysiology and common pharmacotherapy are presented including perioperative implications. Application of findings to anesthesia planning and appropriate use of expert consultants are discussed.

5412 Anesthesia Planning II (0.5 credits)

Anesthesia Planning II is a continuation of Anesthesia Planning I. This course focuses on creating anesthetic plans for geriatric patients and those with cardiac and pulmonary comorbidities, advanced /invasive equipment selection, and complex surgery planning is also included.

5512 Anesthesia Simulation II (2 credits)

Anesthesia Simulation II is a continuation of Anesthesia Simulation I. In this course, learners will manage more complex patients and develop the knowledge and skills to manage adverse events commonly encountered in anesthesia practice.

5712 Clinical Anesthesia I (5 credits)

In Clinical Anesthesia I, learners will apply real-time monitoring and decision-making skills in supervised clinical education. Airway skills, intraoperative diagnostic laboratory analysis, and physiologic monitoring will be incorporated for use during supervised patient care in monitored anesthesia care and general anesthesia.

5611 Research Seminar I (1 credit)

Research has demonstrated that reflective practice is an effective means to foster improved performance and quality outcomes. This course will provide learners with the structure and framework to critically evaluate literature to improve their clinical knowledge base and apply best practices.

Session 3a (May – June)

5222 Implementation and Management IIa (1 credit)

Implementation and Management II is a continuation of Implementation and Management I and introduces care of the patient with kidney disease, endocrine disorders, and transfusion therapy.

5811 Special Topics in Anesthesia Ia (1 credit)

Special Topics in Anesthesia Ia introduces students to the advanced practice concepts of specialized surgical management and subspecialty anesthesia.

5513 Anesthesia Simulation IIIa (1 credit)

Anesthesia Simulation III is a continuation of Anesthesia Simulation II. In this course, learners will participate in advanced simulation including crisis management and anesthesia emergencies.

5413 Anesthesia Planning III (0.5 credits)

Anesthesia Planning III is a continuation of Anesthesia Planning II and includes planning for patients with kidney disease, bariatric, and endocrine disorders.

5911 Professionalism (0.5 credits)

Professionalism I provides a foundation in the ethical, legal, cultural, and professional issues in modern anesthesia care. The course includes topics in professional advocacy, compliance with professional and employer guidelines, and providing care to diverse populations.

5713 Clinical Anesthesia IIa (2.5 credits)

Clinical Anesthesia IIa is a continuation of Clinical Anesthesia I. Students will continue their rotations in the Clinical environment, developing their skills in real-time supervised management of patients undergoing monitored anesthesia care and general anesthesia.

Session 3b (July – August)

5223 Implementation and Management IIb (1 credit)

Implementation and Management IIb is a continuation of Implementation and Management IIa.

5812 Special Topics in Anesthesia Ib (1 credit)

Special Topics in Anesthesia Ib is a continuation of Special Topics in Anesthesia Ia.

5514 Anesthesia Simulation IIIb (1 credit)

Anesthesia Simulation IIIb is continuation of Anesthesia Simulation IIIa.

5131 Ultrasound for Anesthesia (2 credits)

Ultrasound for Anesthesia will combine lectures and hands-on practice for students to apply ultrasound skills to an array of anesthetic practices.  Topics will cover vascular access, peripheral nerve blocks, and introduce students to principles of ultrasound as a diagnostic tool.

5714 Clinical Anesthesia IIb (2.5 credits)

Clinical Anesthesia IIb is a continuation of Clinical Anesthesia IIa.

Session 4 (August – December)

6223 Implementation and Management III (2 credits)

Implementation and Management III is a continuation of Implementation and Management IIb and introduces care of the patient with hepatic, hematologic, and neuropsychiatric disorders.

6812 Special Topics in Anesthesia II (1 credit)

This is a continuation of Special Topics in Anesthesia Ib.

6414 Anesthesia Planning IV (0.5 credits)

Anesthesia Planning IV is a continuation of Anesthesia Planning III. In this course students will combine their knowledge of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and advanced surgical topics to create detailed anesthetic plans for complex patient and surgical needs.

6612 Research Seminar II (0.5 credits)

In Research Seminar II, students will build upon the skill of statistical analysis of published medical literature. Learners will identify topics of interest, perform literature reviews, and develop a poster presentation of a topic anesthesia.

6711 Clinical Anesthesia III (6 credits)

Clinical Anesthesia III is a continuation of Clinical Anesthesia IIb. Students will continue their rotations in the Clinical environment, further developing their skills in the supervised clinical environment.

6611 Research Seminar III (1 credit)

This course will be offered concurrently with Research Seminar I, allowing the opportunity for students across training years to learn from sharing of knowledge. This course will provide learners with the structure and framework to critically evaluate literature to improve their clinical knowledge base and apply best practices.

Session 5 (January – April)

6712 Clinical Anesthesia IV (15 credits)

Clinical Anesthesia within the final year of training involves sub-specialty training. Specialty rotations include pediatric, obstetric, cardiac, thoracic, trauma, regional/acute pain, and neuroanesthesia. General rotations are also included in this course. Students will develop autonomy and ability in anesthesia practice with the goal to become a competent and safe provider in all areas of anesthesia practice and surgical procedures.

6613 Research Seminar IVa (0.5 credits)

Case Conference offers students an opportunity to apply reflective practice as a method to improve performance and quality outcomes. This course will provide the structure and framework for students to critically evaluate their own performance and complex case reviews in anesthesia care. NCCAA Exam Preparation will serve as a review in preparation for the NCCAA certifying exam. Students will participate in peer teaching activities, practice problem-based learning, and exam-taking skills.

Session 6a (May – June)

6713 Clinical Anesthesia Va (7.5 credits)

Clinical Anesthesia Va is a continuation of Clinical Anesthesia IV. Students will continue their rotations in sub-specialty and general practice areas.

6614 Research Seminar IVb (0.5 credits)

This is a continuation of Research Seminar IVa.

Session 6b (July – August)

6714 Clinical Anesthesia Vb (7.5 credits)

Clinical Anesthesia Vb is a continuation of Clinical Anesthesia Va.

6615 Research Seminar V (1 credit)

NCCAA Exam Preparation will serve as a review in preparation for the NCCAA certifying exam. Students will participate in peer teaching activities, practice problem-based learning, and exam-taking skills. After completion of certification exam, student will participate in professionalism series covering transition to practice procedures and expectations.

Session 7 (September – December)

6715 Clinical Anesthesia VI (15 credits)

Clinical Anesthesia VI is a continuation of ANES Clinical Anesthesia Vb. Students will continue their rotations in sub-specialty and general practice areas.