
ʼһ School of Graduate Studies U1-Research 2F Microscope Lab-Grad-hero

ʼһ Public & Community Health Current Students

 Student Accomplishments



Azam, L., Flynn, K., Scanlon, M., Asan, O. (2016). Bedside Nurses’ Perceptions of a Novel HIT in Pediatrics ICU: A Qualitative Study. Poster will be presented in April at the Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Shaping the Future Conference. San Diego, CA.

Barry, C., Jackson, T., Azam, L., Neslon, D., Meurer, J. (2016). Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction for Aid in Diabetes Management in Low-Income Neighborhoods. Poster presented in June at the American Diabetes Association’s 76th Scientific Sessions. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Bemanian A, Zhou Y, Beyer K. Breast Cancer and Local Racial Residential Segregation in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area. American Public Health Association 2016 Annual Meeting and Expo. October 30, 2016. Denver, CO.

Bogar S, Weaver E, May T, Gaudreau K, Johnson S. Navigating Ethics & Equity in CBPR. American Public Health Association 2016 Annual Meeting and Expo. November 1, 2016. Denver, CO.

Halling M. Beyer K. Nieto FJ. Malecki K. Embodied stress: Pathways between neighborhood environment and increased cardio-metabolic risk. American Public Health Association 2016 Annual Meeting and Expo. November 1, 2016. Denver, CO.

Ko Ko T, Dickson-Gomez J. Providers' perspectives on employment services for housing residents in Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs in a large metropolitan city. American Public Health Association 2016 Annual Meeting and Expo. October 31, 2016. Denver, CO.

Olson J, Carter A, McCollow T, Beyer K. Making Community Data Count: A community-academic partnership investigating the impact of community places on vacant lots. American Public Health Association 2016 Annual Meeting and Expo. October 31, 2016. Denver, CO.


Beyer, K. M. M., Zhou, Y., Matthews, K., Hoormann, K., Bemanian, A., Laud, P. W., & Nattinger, A. B. (2016). Breast and Colorectal Cancer Survival Disparities in Southeastern Wisconsin. Wisconsin Medical Journal, 115(1), 17–22.

Beyer KMM, Zhou Y, Matthews K, Bemanian A, Laud PW, Nattinger AB. New spatially continuous indices of redlining and racial bias in mortgage lending: Links to survival after breast cancer diagnosis and implications for health disparities research. Health Place 2016;40:34-43.

Cassidy LD, Olaomi O, Ertl A, Ameh EA. Collaborative Development and Results of a Nigerian Trauma Registry. J Registry Manag 2016;43(1):23-28 PubMed ID 2719599

May, T, Byonanebye J, Meurer JR. The ethics of Population Health Management: Collapsing the traditional Boundary Between patient Care and Public Health. Population Health Management. 2016



Azam, L. Adams, S., Rusch, M., Wallace, J., Meurer, J. (2015). Determinants of Unhealthy Behaviors Following Bariatric Surgery. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.  Research Poster Day, ʼһ. Milwaukee, WI.

Azam, L., Staci, Y., Meurer, J., Cui, C., Hill, R. (2015). Influence of Patient and Provider Communication on Diabetes Care Delivery. Presented at the Annual Wisconsin Public Health Association Conference. Milwaukee, WI.

Bemanian, A. Beyer, K.M.M. (2015). Quantification of segregation in southeastern Wisconsin as a marker for economic disadvantage. In 143rd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (October 31-November 4, 2015).

Beyer, K. M. M., Zhou, Y., Matthews, K., Bemanian, A., Laud, P. W., & Nattinger, A. B. (2015). Cancer and Disparity in the Context of Residential Racial Segregation: Evidence from Southeastern Wisconsin. In Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (April 2015).

Bogar S., Woodruff, S., Garrett, T., Johnson, S. (October 24th, 2015). Environmental Health Perceptions & Priorities: Navigating Balance in a Youth CBPR Partnership. Midwest ECO Regional Conference: Forwarding Inquiry & Action for Social Change, Madison, WI.

Bogar, S,. Beyer, KMM. (March, 2015). Green Space, Violence & Crime: A Systematic Review. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse.

Bogar, S., Woodruff, S., Johnson, S. (November 3rd, 2015). Navigating & Growing Youth Inclusion in CBPR. American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL.

Ertl, A., Cassidy, L.D. (2015, November).  Statewide Analysis of Racial Disparities and Assault in Pediatric Trauma Patients.  Poster Presentation at the 143rd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition.

Ertl, A., Groner, J.I., Cassidy, L.D. (2015, September).  Characteristics of Pediatric Assault Patients: A Statewide Assessment. Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of American Association for the Surgery of Trauma and Clinical Congress of Acute Care Surgery.

Ertl, A., Yuhong, Z., Beyer, K., Tarima, S., Groner, J.I., Cassidy, L.D. (2015, November). The Spatial Epidemiology of Pediatric Trauma: A Statewide Assessment. Oral Abstract Presentation at the Pediatric Trauma Society Meeting.

Halling, Meredith; Cassidy, Laura; Ertl, Allison; Piatt, Joseph; Groner, Jonathan. “Transfer of Children with TBI for Definitive Care, Particularly Without Airway Control, is a Powerful Risk Factor for Mortality,” presented at the ʼһ’s 25th Annual Gradual School Research Poster Session. Milwaukee WI, 22 October 2015.

Holmes B. Factors in patient responsiveness to directional preference-matched therapies for cervical discopathy with or without radiculopathy. 25th Annual Graduate School Poster Session, ʼһ, Milwaukee, WI. October 2015.


Mavis AM, Ertl A, Chapman S, Cassidy LD, Lerret SM. Vulnerability and chronic illness management in pediatric kidney and liver transplant recipients. Prog Transplant. 2015;25(2):139-146.

Quinn K, Ertl A. Social and sexual risk factors among sexual minority youth. Journal of LGBT Youth. 2015;12(3):302-322.

Tarima S, Ertl A, Groner JI, Cassidy LD. Factors associated with patients transferred from undesignated trauma centers to trauma centers. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015;79(3):378-385.


Mina Farahzad presented three posters at APHA titled Female sex workers as mothers, Contraception in Uganda: Does religion matter?, and A Comprehensive Seek, Test, and Treat Project in a Detention Facility: Preliminary Findings.

Katherine Quinn presented “Love the sinner, hate the sin”: Examining black faith leaders' perceptions of homosexuality and HIV at APHA.

Sandy Bogar presented Community Based Participatory Research Student Field Placements at part of a Student Roundtable Presentation at APHA.

Rebekah Angove has accepted the position of Engagement Manager at the Louisiana Public Health Institute. She will manage a team responsible for the patient and provider engagement components of the Louisiana Clinical Data Network. Rebekah will graduate in May 2014.

Dina Garcia will serve as a tertiary mentor for the Student Mentorship Program for Hispanic Health Research (sMPH2r)—the nation’s first web-based mentorship program for individuals interested in Hispanic health research sponsored by the Hispanic Serving Health Professions Schools (HSHPS). Alongside Dr. Lisa De Camp from Johns Hopkins University and Dr. Patricia Becerra from the NIH, Dina will help mentor two students during 2014.

Laila Azam published: Hariharan, J., Tarima, S., Azam, L., & Meurer, J. (2014). Chronic Care Model as a Framework to Improve Diabetes Care at an Academic Internal Medicine Faculty-Resident Practice. The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 37(1), 42-50.


Mina Farahzad presented a poster at the 23rd Annual Research Poster session sponsored by the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. The title of her abstract was "Contraception in Uganda: Does religion matter?" She also presented an abstract titled Prevalence and Disability Associated with Inguinal Hernia in Sierra Leone: Results of a Nationwide Survey at the World Congress of Surgery, Obstetrics, Trauma, and Anesthesia in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Mina was also selected as a recipient of The Kinsey Institute Student Research Grant Award 2013-2014.

Dina Garcia presented a poster at the 23rd Annual Research Poster session sponsored by the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. The title of her abstract was "Key Roles, Characteristics and Barriers Faced by Latino Community Health Workers Delivering a Sexual and Reproductive Health Home Health Party Educational Intervention". Her research abstract, titled Periodontal Disease and Glycemic Control in Diabetes was accepted for a poster presentation at the American Association of Dental Research/Canadian Association of Dental Research Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Charlotte, NC in March 2014.

Katherine Quinn, a third year student, gave an oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. The title of her presentation is "Raw down: HIV risk among adolescent gang members". She has also had an abstract accepted for a poster presentation at the North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit to be held in Montreal, Quebec. Her presentation is entitled Housing access and neighborhood choice as HIV care and prevention.

Sandra Bogar, a second year student, had an abstract entitled Green Space, Violence and Crime: A Systematic Review accepted for presentation at the 2013 International Medical Geography Symposium at Michigan State University.

Allison Ertl presented an abstract titled The Incidence and Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disease in Sierra Leone: Results of a Population Based Survey at the World Congress of Surgery, Obstetrics, Trauma, and Anesthesia in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.