Instructional Design
Our Instructional Design (ID) program provides consultative and collaborative services to educators working to create and/or improve courses.
OEI Instructional Design Team Services
- Conduct needs assessment and analyze data
- Collaborate with educators to design and develop course materials and delivery methods that align with the MCW competencies
- Create learning events and strategies to engage learners; implement and manage projects
- Advocate for incorporation of educational technology into course plan and execution
- Assure systematic and iterative review of curriculum components
Other Requested Services
- Get instructor feedback
- Course content consultations
- Course design consultations
- Apply for a Learning Resource Grant
Quick Links
These webpages in the Teaching Toolbox contain downloadable documents, tutorial videos and helpful resources to make time in the classroom more effective and efficient.
Contact Us
General Inquiries
(414) 955-8026
Instructional Designer
Johnathon Neist