
Mother Child W Physician

皇家华人 Child Advocacy and Protection Child Abuse Pediatrics Fellowship

The Child Advocacy and Protection Services (CAPS) program has grown to become one of the leading academic child abuse programs in the nation. CAPS is an active and diverse program that exceeds the Children's Hospital Association criteria for center of excellence status through its comprehensive services including outstanding clinical care, education, research and advocacy. CAPS houses a three-year ACGME-accredited Child Abuse Pediatrics fellowship program sponsored by the 皇家华人 and Affiliated Hospitals. Our comprehensive services provide a wealth of diverse experiences for our fellows, who rotate with our very active hospital-based program, other subspecialty services, and multiple urban and rural outpatient Child Advocacy Centers staffed by an experienced team of physicians, advanced practice providers, social workers and other staff.
CAPS brewer game

Leadership Statement

To achieve resilience and wellness as a healthcare provider, it is important to surround ourselves with individuals who inspire us to achieve our full potential as providers and as people. As a member of the Child Advocacy and Protection Services program, I am honored to work with a cohesive group of highly professional individuals who share my commitment to the safety and well-being of children. We strive to provide our fellows with a well-rounded, innovative, and immersive experience that promotes excellence in clinical care and scholarly activity and a deep understanding of the community systems that impact child safety. Our team is also dedicated to fostering the qualities of balance, integrity, and life-long learning critical to the field of Child Abuse Pediatrics. 

We hope you will explore this website further to learn more about what our educational program offers and consider a visit to meet our exemplary team.

Angela Rabbitt, DO

Angela Rabbitt, DO, FAAP
Program Director, MCWAH Child Abuse
Pediatrics Fellowship
Medical Director, Child Advocacy and Protection Services


Hillary W Petska, MD

Hillary Petska, MD
Associate Program Director, MCWAH Child Abuse Pediatrics Fellows
Associate Medical Director, Child Advocacy and Protection Services

Meet Our Current Fellow

Hear from our current fellow, Kristin, as she discusses our program, our curriculum and our institutions.

A Conversation with Our Fellows

Two fellows discuss their experience as part of our Pediatric Child Advocacy fellowship at the 皇家华人 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Meet Our Faculty

Members of our faculty discuss our fellowship program, our institutions, and living and training in Milwaukee.

As a fellow, you will...

  • Experience a dynamic and progressive training environment
  • Receive rigorous training in quality improvement, clinical, translational, and educational scholarship
  • Utilize our diverse patient population and community partnerships to foster collaborative and compassionate patient care and systems-based practice skills
  • Learn to effectively advocate for the medical and psychosocial needs of patients and families
  • Build skills to educate a variety of medical and community-based learners

About the Fellowship

The 皇家华人 and Affiliated Hospitals (MCWAH) sponsors a three-year fellowship in Child Abuse Pediatrics (CAP), which is accredited by the ACGME. Fellows will be an integral part of the Child Advocacy and Protection Services program, which provides hospital-based and outpatient services for suspected victims of child abuse and neglect. Fellows will develop skills and expertise in evaluating all types of child maltreatment, providing legal testimony, and advocating for children through their work as members of the multidisciplinary team, didactics, rotations with other specialties, attendance at conferences, and experiences with community agencies.
Program Highlights

Well-staffed, multidisciplinary, statewide program
The Child Advocacy medical team is composed of five board-certified child abuse pediatricians, and multiple advanced practice providers, as well as social workers, forensic interviewers, child life specialists, mental health providers, and support staff. The program does not rely on learners for service obligations, allowing fellows to focus on learning.

Diverse range of clinical experiences
The child abuse team evaluates more than 7,000 cases of child maltreatment annually, making it one of the largest Child Abuse Pediatrics programs in the country. Fellows rotate with a diverse range of subspecialty services, including Burn Surgery, Forensic Pathology, Toxicology, and Mental Health among others. In addition to a wide variety of inpatient consult experiences, outpatient clinical experience includes time at the  and multiple community sites.

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The MCAC serves Milwaukee as well as the surrounding areas to provide onsite services including forensic interviews, mental health therapy, medical evaluations, and victim services. It is one of ten  in Wisconsin, many of which fellows will rotate through for experience in more rural settings. Fellows also will complete forensic interview training during their fellowship. In addition to evaluating children suspected of being maltreated, fellows gain multiple skills in evaluation of children in foster care through the MCAC’s busy foster care medical home program called .

Established core content didactics
Child Advocacy and Protection faculty have developed the CAPS Didactic Series based on the American Board of Pediatrics Content Specifications for the Subspecialty Board Exam. These materials are updated regularly and reviewed with fellows and APP trainees during weekly sessions. MCWAH Child Abuse Pediatrics fellows consistently score above the mean on in-service examinations and the Board pass rate for the program is 100%.

Unique community and systems perspective

sojouner outside
The Milwaukee CAC is housed within Milwaukee’s , the largest and most comprehensive family justice center in the nation. Multiple youth-service community and investigative agencies are co-located within the center. Multidisciplinary team agencies, including Children's Wisconsin, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding recognizing a joint protocol for the initial investigation and service provision of child maltreatment investigations in Milwaukee County. These collaborative efforts allow our fellows unique opportunities for systems-based learning and community advocacy.

Support for scholarly activities
Members of the medical team are actively engaged in teaching and research in addition to their clinical duties. A research coordinator provides support to the Child Advocacy and Protection division, and the 皇家华人 Quantitative Health Sciences department provides support for research development, study design, and statistics. In addition to dedicated research blocks, the program offers protected time and funding for attendance at local and national conferences.

Emphasis on work-life balance

Given the nature of Child Abuse Pediatrics, the program recognizes the importance of work-life balance. This culture is supported by Child Advocacy and Children's Wisconsin leadership and is reflected in program policies and within the structure of the fellowship and health system.

Located on the shores of Lake Michigan, Milwaukee is a great place to live. The Milwaukee metropolitan area offers a wide variety of communities from urban to rural. You will find excellent schools, professional, college and amateur sports, a vibrant restaurant scene, one of the most extensive park systems in the country, and numerous opportunities for enjoying theatre, music and art.

Reimbursement for fellowship interviews
Applicants who are interested in further exploring fellowship training through the MCWAH Child Abuse Pediatrics Fellowship will be reimbursed for lodging and other travel expenses.

Clinical Experience

Outpatient Clinical Services

At the , physicians and nurse practitioners perform medical evaluations for child physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. At this location we also perform foster care evaluations. Mental health therapists and forensic interviewers are located on site. The assessments at the MCAC are multi-disciplinary and include observation/review of the forensic interview, conducting a medical interview with the caretaker, an effective and objective medical history with the child, and conducting the physical examination. At the conclusion of the assessment, the fellow explains his/her assessment to the multi-disciplinary team members and works as part of the team to assimilate this medical information into case planning. The MCAC is our primary outpatient teaching site; however, fellows will also spend time at clinics within our other Child Advocacy Centers to obtain experience with systems of care in more rural areas.  

Hospital-based Consult Service
The fellow will be first call for the Child Advocacy & Protection Services (CAPS) consult service at -Milwaukee Hospital, Emergency Department, and Children鈥檚 Clinics on average every 3-4 days throughout fellowship. The fellow will also take first call for questions from 皇家华人 and community physicians. The CAPS program performs inpatient consults and chart reviews on physical and sexual abuse and neglect cases, ensuring a wide variety of exposures to all forms of maltreatment. The CAPS inpatient social worker will perform evaluations with the fellow and can provide a wealth of experience in the psychosocial and protective aspects of inpatient child abuse evaluations. The fellow will interface with all medical specialists involved in inpatient assessments. The fellow will also have face to face teaching with radiology and other subspecialty specialists as cases present and through dedicated learning experiences with subspecialties pertinent to Child Abuse Pediatrics throughout fellowship.

Subspecialty Exposure
Child Abuse Pediatricians must develop specialized knowledge that spans multiple subspecialties to identify medical conditions that may mimic or exacerbate injuries. The provider must then apply that knowledge in the context of the child鈥檚 injuries, medical history, and the investigation as a whole. In order to develop that expertise, our fellows participate in multiple subspecialty educational experiences including but not limited to mental health, hematology, toxicology, radiology, orthopedics, and pathology.

Research Experience

As required by the , each Child Abuse Pediatrics fellow will complete a scholarly project during their fellowship. The fellow will have fourteen months during the fellowship to devote to completion of this project as well as one additional elective block if needed. To assist with formulating and completing this project, the fellow will choose a research mentor and a Scholarship Oversight Committee within the first six months of fellowship. More information about the requirements for a scholarly project and the function of the Scholarship Oversight Committee, see on the ABP website.

The 皇家华人鈥檚 Quantitative Health Sciences department provides support for research development, study design, and statistics. Opportunities for networking and collaboration with other researchers are also available through the 皇家华人鈥檚 Comprehensive Injury Center (CIC) and Children鈥檚 Wisconsin's . 


Child Abuse Pediatrics requires a broad range of knowledge spanning multiple disciplines. The curriculum for the Child Abuse Pediatrics fellowship program includes a wide variety of patient care experiences, research opportunities and educational activities.

The curriculum consists of clinical rotations with the inpatient and outpatient Child Advocacy and Protection team as well as one half day per week on the Milwaukee Child Advocacy Center (MCAC), outpatient service throughout fellowship. The fellow will also take first call for the hospital-based consulting service every 3-4 days throughout fellowship. This will provide substantial exposure to management of all forms of child maltreatment. 

Fellows gain experience with other subspecialties through educational experiences that highlight aspects of these specialties pertinent to Child Abuse Pediatrics. Subspecialty experiences can include rotations with Mental Health, Trauma/Burn Services, Radiology, Forensic Pathology, Orthopedics, Hematology, Adolescent Medicine, Toxicology, and Community Advocacy. Exposure to subspecialty rotations can be modified to fit the needs of individual fellows. 

Fourteen months are devoted to completion of a scholarly project. The fellow will also have one elective block to use towards either research or additional clinical experiences.

Additional non-clinical and educational activities consist of regular peer reviews, conferences, and didactics (see Conferences & Teaching Opportunities). Of note is the CAPS Didactic Series. CAPS faculty meets each week with the fellow and other trainees to review core content study guides developed by the Child Advocacy team.

The fellow will also complete a Forensic Interviewing Course, a Medical Photography Workshop, and media training to develop skills for effective communication and documentation of injuries. CAP fellows collaborate with law students to develop skills in expert witness testimony through participation in mock trials and interactive lectures through Marquette University Law School. 

Pediatric Joint Fellowship Curriculum
The Joint Fellowship Curriculum (JFC) at the 皇家华人 is a series of longitudinal educational experiences designed to cover topics required for all pediatric fellows. While specialty-specific education is covered within each section, the JFC endeavors to cover the remainder of topics that are common to all fellowship trainees. Fellows not only gain insight on these topics from campus-wide experts, but also do so in a collaborative learning environment with their same level fellow peers from across the pediatric enterprise. 

Learn more about our curriculum

Conferences and Teaching Opportunities

Required Conferences:

Medical Peer Review
The Child Advocacy and Protection Services (CAPS) medical providers meet each week to discuss inpatient and outpatient cases.

National Peer Review
Child Advocacy Centers across the country meet via this monthly web-based conference to discuss difficult cases.

Documentation Peer Review
Each month the documentation of a member of the CAPS medical team is chosen randomly and brought to the group for feedback and discussion. Fellow documentation is reviewed twice a year.

Established core content didactics
Child Advocacy and Protection faculty have developed the CAPS Didactic Series based on the American Board of Pediatrics Content Specifications for the Subspecialty Board Exam. These materials are updated regularly and reviewed with fellows and APP trainees during weekly sessions. MCWAH Child Abuse Pediatrics fellows consistently score above the mean on in-service examinations and the Board pass rate for the program is 100%.

Journal Club
Each month a member of the CAPS team chooses one or two journal articles and leads a discussion about the content, limitations, and validity of the article. Fellows present two times during each academic year.

Joint Fellowship Curriculum
The Joint Fellowship Curriculum (JFC) committee consists of Directors of the 皇家华人 Affiliated Hospitals (MCWAH) pediatric subspecialty fellowship programs. This committee has developed a core curriculum designed to address the academic requirements mandated by the (ACGME) and the career and personal development goals of the fellows.

Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) Committee
Members of the SCAN committee include representatives from the CAPS program as well as the legal department, medical records, patient advocacy, emergency department, and hospitalist medical teams. The goal of this committee is to address systems issues within Children’s Wisconsin related to child maltreatment.

Subspecialty Conferences
Fellows will receive financial support and protected time for participation in local, regional, and national conferences. Attendance at a minimum of one of these conferences during fellowship is required.

Recommended Conferences (when applicable to subspecialty):

WI CAN (Wisconsin Child Abuse Network) Educational Series
Monthly statewide, web-based lectures on various topics related to child maltreatment. Fellows are expected to provide presentations at this meeting when appropriate. Attendance at every meeting is encouraged.

Pediatric Grand Rounds are held most Fridays in the Children's Wisconsin Auditorium from 8:00-9:00 a.m. Presentations may be viewed in person in the Children's Wisconsin Auditorium or via Zoom.

Professor Rounds occur each Thursday from 12-1 p.m. in the Children's Wisconsin Auditorium.

Schwartz Center Rounds (supported by ) is a multidisciplinary forum where caregivers discuss emotional and social issues that arise in caring for patients. Upcoming dates and topics are posted on Children's Connect.

The MCW Office of Continuing and Professional Education offers a comprehensive list of upcoming CME activities.

Teaching Opportunities:

Residents / Medical Students
Pediatric Residents participate in a required one-week rotation with Child Advocacy during their first year. Residents and Senior Medical Students may complete a one- to four-week elective with Child Advocacy.

Community Education
The CAPS program is actively involved in community education at the local and regional level through the development of conferences related to child maltreatment. CAPS also provides lectures and training workshops to community partners, including law students, social services, community physicians, law enforcement, etc. In addition to the education that occurs during communication with these agencies during routine patient care, fellows will have the opportunity to participate in the development of these lectures and workshops as their training progresses.

Education of other fellows
Fellows will gain experience educating other subspecialty fellows as they participate in CAPS involvement with the Joint Fellowship Curriculum, which directs workshops on the topics of the legal aspects of Pediatrics and expert witness testimony. 

A Day in the Life of a Fellow

MCAC providers and staff

  • Fellows are provided with a dedicated semi-private workspace within the Child Advocacy and Protection Services inpatient program offices and at the Milwaukee Child Advocacy Center (MCAC)
  • Free covered parking is available adjacent to the inpatient program offices. Free gated parking is available at the MCAC
  • Underground tunnels connect the office building with the hospital, research buildings, and clinics building (5-10-minute walk between buildings)
  • Several cafeterias, coffee carts, and other food services are available throughout the medical complex
  • Pager coverage for the inpatient service begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. Evening call starts at 5 p.m. and ends at 8 a.m. Weekly ambulatory clinics start at 1 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Work hours can be flexed to meet the needs of the fellow.
  • Fellows take call every 3-4th night by phone and 1-2 weekends per month. CAPs providers and fellows provide an in-person response during business hours during the week and until noon on weekends. To maintain work-life balance, CAPs providers and fellows respond by phone only outside of these hours for all non-emergent patient care. 
  • Electronic health record and medical library access is available on-site and remotely
  • Fellows have access to the hospital physician鈥檚 lounge where food and beverages are available, along with workspaces, newspapers, and television
  • The clinic area includes food storage areas, coffee maker, and microwave
Our Fellows

Third-Year Fellow (2022-2025)


Kristin Belsaas, MD
Hometown: Rapid City, SD
Medical school: University of South Dakota
Residency: Mayo Clinic
Research /Scholarly Project: Does a multimedia resource improve provider comfort and confidence when conducting challenging child-maltreatment-focused conversations?
Mentor(s): Lynn Sheets, MD
Interests and Hobbies: Board games, video games, reading, writing, watching Formula 1, trying new restaurants and cooking new recipes, watching tv with my husband.
Why did I choose MCW for fellowship? The Child Abuse fellowship at MCW had everything I was looking for and more. I was impressed by the comradery and cohesiveness of the large team and knew I would fit in well. I also appreciated the variety and volume seen in both the outpatient and inpatient setting and that I would be able to pursue interests through electives that were not available at other programs, such as forensic pathology and radiology.
One of the best things about living in Milwaukee? The restaurants! I鈥檝e tried so many new places and been blown away by the terrific food!


Our Faculty

Our talented team is here to work with and support you as you work to become a Child Advocacy and Protection provider. 

Meet Our Faculty

Our Institutions

About the 皇家华人
With a history dating back to 1893, the is dedicated to leadership and excellence in education, patient care, research and community engagement. More than 1,400 students are enrolled in MCW鈥檚 medical school and graduate school programs in Milwaukee, Green Bay and Central Wisconsin. MCW鈥檚 School of Pharmacy opened in 2017. A major national research center, MCW is the largest research institution in the Milwaukee metro area and second largest in Wisconsin. In the last ten years, faculty received more than $1.5 billion in external support for research, teaching, training and related purposes. This total includes highly competitive research and training awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Annually, MCW faculty direct or collaborate on more than 3,100 research studies, including clinical trials. Additionally, more than 1,600 physicians provide care in virtually every specialty of medicine for more than 4.0 million patients annually.

CHW_Exterior w HHI

About Children鈥檚 Wisconsin
Children鈥檚 Wisconsin is the region鈥檚 only independent health care system dedicated solely to the health and well-being of children. The hospital, with locations in Milwaukee and Neenah, Wisconsin, is recognized as one of the leading pediatric health care centers in the United States. It is ranked in nine specialty areas in U.S. News & World Report鈥檚 2019-20 Best Children鈥檚 Hospitals report. Children鈥檚 provides primary care, specialty care, urgent care, emergency care, community health services, foster and adoption services, child and family counseling, child advocacy services and family resource centers. In 2019, Children鈥檚 invested more than $130 million in the community to improve the health status of children through medical care, advocacy, education and pediatric medical research. Children鈥檚 achieves its mission in part through donations from individuals, corporations and foundations and is proud to be a member of Children鈥檚 Miracle Network Hospitals.

The primary teaching site for the CAP fellowship is Children鈥檚 Wisconsin, a freestanding academic children鈥檚 hospital affiliated with the 皇家华人 (MCW). A 306-bed hospital with a Level I Trauma Center, Children's Wisconsin serves children throughout Wisconsin and northern Illinois.

Diversity and Inclusion

At MCW and within the Department of Pediatrics, we have several programs and resources focused on fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. Our departmental and institutional focus is confronting negative perceptions and welcoming our community. Below is just a sampling of the efforts across our institutions to embed the principles of diversity and inclusion into our culture.

  • DOP Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council | Our Diversity Council, led by Dr. Mike Levas, the DOP Vice Chair for Diversity and Inclusion, and comprised of faculty, staff, administration, and trainees, is focused on connecting with partners across our system and within the community to ensure the DOP is a diverse, equitable and inclusive employer.
  • DOP Fellowship and Residency Diversity and Inclusion Committees | In a city filled with its own diversity and rich cultural history, our fellows and residents recognize the importance of addressing diversity, health equity, and inclusion within our programs. As such, the program is proud to recognize the presence and work of its Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  • DOP Unconscious Bias Training | The AAMC has partnered with Cook Ross, Inc., a leading consulting firm, to create training focused on the science behind unconscious bias to help academic medical staff and faculty mitigate disparities. Seven members of our team have earned a certification as unconscious bias trainers through Cook Ross. These trainers have translated what they鈥檝e learned into a two-hour training for our faculty and staff. By learning how to identify and confront unconscious bias, it is possible to mitigate the impact and promote respect for all groups.
  • Trauma-Informed Workplace Training | This committee has undertaken actions including a department-wide survey and the creation of four online training modules sharing the principles of trauma-informed approach and how to recognize signs and symptoms of trauma in ourselves and others. This group started as part of Fostering Futures, a state-wide initiative aimed at infusing a trauma-informed approach into all the systems and organizations that touch the lives of Wisconsin citizens with the goal of expanding across the state to make Wisconsin the first trauma-informed state in the nation.
  • Office of Diversity and Inclusion | Established in March 2016, the MCW Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) partners within MCW and with community partners to foster and drive inclusion excellence as an effective, empowering enabler of MCW mission and strategic goals.
  • Spring Festival of Cultures | The annual Spring Festival of Cultures encourages an increased awareness and celebration of the visible and non-visible identities among our MCW community. This three-day event is an opportunity to promote the fostering of diversity, inclusion and unity at MCW.
  • President鈥檚 Diversity and Inclusion Award | MCW鈥檚 President's Diversity and Inclusion Award recognizes the accomplishments of faculty, staff, students, residents, trainees, and community members in contributing to diversity and inclusion through exemplary leadership.
  • Institute of Health and Equity | The Institute for Health & Equity is focused on researching the root causes of health disparities in our communities, and advancing the best ideas to foster health equity throughout the world. We target populations with abnormally high rates of disease and injury 鈥 urban and rural alike 鈥 and then we find out why. Partnering with community health collaborators who live and work closest to the most vulnerable populations, we are making an impact on reducing those disparities, one community at a time.
  • GMF-MCW Partnership | Through their overall partnership, MCW and GMF will bring complementary expertise on a range of strategies to invest in the health, equity and economic well-being of people across Milwaukee, beginning with the neighborhoods adjacent to the new development. Guided by community priorities and data, the GMF-MCW Partnership will be a catalyst for additional investment and community impact. Together, the partners will:
    • Engage resident and community partnerships
    • Improve social determinants of health
    • Catalyze change that leverages resources and investment

Learn more about MCW's Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Living & Training in Milwaukee

Milwaukee is one of the Midwest’s best-kept secrets and a prime location for the 皇家华人’s main campus. A one-of-a-kind city with a vibrant and diverse culture, this charming, yet metropolitan must-see is just 90 minutes north of Chicago and nestled on the coast of Lake Michigan. Whether you’re catching a show at Summerfest, the world’s largest music festival, immersing yourself in the old world charm of the Historic Third Ward or taking in the sights and sounds of one of the many cafés, beer gardens or restaurants that line the city’s riverbank and shoreline, Milwaukee never disappoints. Find out why MCW students, faculty and employees take pride in calling Milwaukee home.

More about Milwaukee

Application Process and Visa Information

Our 3-year fellowship program is ACGME accredited and begins on July 1 each year. We accept one fellow every three years through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). Applicants must have completed a US-accredited residency program. Applications from prospective applicants are accepted from July through October via the . We will access your application and contact you to make interview arrangements.

Complete applications should include the following:

  • ERAS application form
  • At least 3 letters of reference including Program Director letter
  • Medical Student Performance Evaluation/Dean's Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Personal statement
  • MD Applicants: USMLE scores - Steps 1, 2, and 3 or
  • DO Applicants: COMLEX scores – Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • ECFMG certificate for foreign medical school graduates (see visa information below)

Our program currently accepts the following visas:

  • Permanent Resident Visa
  • Visitor Exchange Visa sponsored by ECFMG (J-1)
  • Temporary Professional Workers (H-1B)

For additional visa information please visit MCW’s office of Graduate Medical Education.

Benefits, Conditions and Terms of Employment
Fellows are employed by the 皇家华人 Affiliated Hospitals (MCWAH).

See MCWAH Benefits, Conditions & Terms of Employment for information regarding vacations, leaves, insurance, stipends and professional liability.

The CAP Fellowship program at Children鈥檚 Wisconsin and 皇家华人 is unlike any other. The necessary breadth, depth and volume of training is embedded in a collaborative, compassionate, nationally-recognized group that prepares and trains their fellows at the highest level.

-A Graduated Fellow

Our Team

Angela Rabbitt, DO, FAAP

Angela Rabbitt, DO

Professor of Pediatrics, Section of Child Advocacy and Protection 
Program Director, Child Abuse Pediatrics Fellowship 
Child Abuse Pediatrician, Child Advocacy and Protection Services

Hillary Petska, MD, MPH

Hillary W Petska, MD

Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Section of Child Advocacy and Protection 
Child Abuse Pediatrician, Child Advocacy and Protection Services

Connie Chase

Connie Chase

Fellowship Coordinator

Sara Kreuter


Administrative Assistant Sr. 

Contact Us

Child Advocacy & Protection

Children's Corporate Center

999 N. 92nd St.
Suite 360
P.O. Box 1997
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997
(414) 266-2090
(414) 266-3157 (fax)

Angela Rabbitt, DO, FAAP

Fellowship Director

Connie Chase

Fellowship Coordinator