Julia A. Uihlein Bioethics and Medical Humanities Collection
The has greatly expanded the Library holdings in general ethics, bioethics, medical humanities and philosophy.
The Collection, made possible by a generous gift from Ms. Julia A. Uihlein, MA, covers a broad range of ethical issues in the health sciences, including clinical ethics, real life narratives, general philosophy, resource allocation, genetics, human rights, and other emerging issues.
Items in the Uihlein book collection are classed using the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classification. The books are shelved by NLM call number and are located throughout the library collections.
The Uihlein Collection also includes several important journal titles in both print and electronic format such as:
(via BadgerLink)
Resources in the collection can be located in our by searching author, title or subject and including the phrase "Julia A. Uihlein " in the search box.
The Julia A. Uihlein Bioethics Selection Committee meets annually to review and select resources for this valuable collection.
Humanities Collection
Then, using the titles suggested by group members, faculty, students and staff, the Medical Humanities Group decided which books to add to the collection. Funds from a four-year grant (2002-2006) from the Arnold P. Gold Foundation paid for the purchase of the books.
Additional titles continue to be added to the Humanities Collection from a generous annual donation from the David and Julia A. Uihlein Family Foundation, MCW Libraries budget line funding, as well as individual book donations that are determined to fit the scope and character of the collection.
The MCW Medical Humanities Group is a student-run organization committed to the enrichment of academic medicine by reading, reviewing and discussing important works of literature of interest to medicine and beyond. Richard L. Holloway, PhD, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, is the advisor for the group.
Most of the books are located on shelving in the lounge area to the right as you enter the Todd Wehr Library. The books are arranged in alphabetical order by author, editor, or compiler.
Books in the Humanities Collection that are classed using the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classification are shelved by NLM call number in the medical book collection.
You may also use the to view the books in the Humanities Collection. Use the facets on the left side of the page to limit to authors, year and topic.