ʼһ Women's Leadership Groups
Council for Women's Advocacy
The Council for Women's Advocacy is dedicated to engaging, equipping, and empowering women leaders.
Women in Science
The Women in Science group takes on many roles for engagement and leadership amongst women. They host a series of luncheons which provide those in attendance an opportunity to meet outstanding female scientists and physicians and learn about their cutting-edge research. The group awards two generous scholarships to women.
Women's Leadership Learning Collaborative (WLLC)
The WLLC builds a collaborative cohort of women that have both the skills to overcome barriers and the support they can rely on to collectively achieve success.
Student Women's Advocacy Group (SWAG)
The Student Women's Advocacy Group (SWAG) is a student focus group created with support through the Advancement for Women in Science and Medicine and the Women in Science Series to bring students from programs at MCW (medical, pharmacy, graduate, post-doctoral) together to connect on women's topics within healthcare and society. SWAG events aim to spark discussion around women's issues from all perspectives, provide networking within the MCW family, highlight the accomplishments of SWAG student members, and provide support for women on campus.