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The MCW Community Garden: A Source of Nourishment, Inspiration, and Education

This story is from Kristen Apolinario, a second-year medical student.

As a medical student, life often feels like a never-ending parade of lectures, exams and clinicals. But on a sunny day in May, I found myself kneeling in the soil, planting seeds alongside students and faculty. In that moment, surrounded by the promise of new growth, I felt something I hadn’t in a while: calm.

Together, we planted simple, nourishing ingredients — zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, lettuce, and herbs. Now, as the plants have grown, the garden has become a place where anyone in the MCW community can come and pick what they need, whether it's for a meal or just a moment of peace.

But the garden is more than just a collection of plants. It has grown into a living, breathing space that nurtures both mind and body. Through the small yet significant act of cultivating our own produce, we’re promoting healthier eating, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for our environment, and strengthening the bonds within our campus community.

For me, the garden has also been a source of inspiration. Over the summer, I started my own herb garden at home. It felt like a natural extension of the joy and tranquility I’d found in the MCW garden. Tending to the plants and watching them grow from tiny seeds into something vibrant – especially through the summer's many thunderstorms – served as a powerful reminder to nurture my own wellbeing amid the demands of medical school.

As we look to the future, I’m excited about the potential to expand our modest garden. This would help reinforce the garden’s role as a symbol of sustainability in our community and provide even more opportunities for collaboration and hands-on learning. Hopefully, with each seed we plant, we will continue to foster a sense of belonging and a commitment to health that will inspire and sustain future Herb Garden generations at MCW.