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Biochemistry Graduate Students Among Winners of Friends of MCW Excellence in Research Award

The MCW School of Graduate Studies has announced the three winners of the inaugural Friends of MCW Excellence in Research Award. This award is sponsored by the Friends of MCW and given to PhD graduate students who have passed the PhD qualifying examination and who have exhibited exemplary scholastic and research excellence as assessed by the awards subcommittee of the Graduate Studies Council.

Thank you to the Friends of MCW for their sponsorship of these awards and their long-standing commitment to scientific excellence and the achievements of our students.

Gage Stuttgen, fourth-year graduate student in Dr. Daisy Sahoo's lab, and Kelsey Nolden, fourth-year MD/PhD student in Dr. Blake Hill's lab, were among the three winners of the Friends of MCW Excellence in Research Award. Gage's research is in the area of Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Disease. Kelsey's research is in the area of Mitochondria and Endothelial Dysfunction in Human Arteries. Congratulations to both students on this great achievement!

Gage Stuttgen_Academic Profile

Gage Stuttgen

Kelsey Meacham

Kelsey Nolden