Working with Magnetic Resonance Imaging at the ʼһ
In 1992 MCW was one of three research institutions to independently develop functional magnetic resonance imaging. This technology allows researchers and clinicians to identify regions of the brain that are associated with performing tasks inside the magnetic resonance imaging machine. As a result of this technology, MCW continues to be a world leader in functional brain imaging, with pioneering work in imaging memory, language, vision regions of the brain.
MCW has become a hub in the region for MRI research. The newly installed 7T imager is a dedicated research site, and is also the 7T imager used for development by GE engineers located at the GE headquarters in about 15 minutes up I-94 in Waukesha. Many cross-institutional collaborations among MCW, UWM, MU, and MSOE leverage the extensive imaging resources on campus. This strong culture of interdisciplinary work between MCW physicists and clinical scientists is a key to the many successful ongoing research programs using MRI in southeastern Wisconsin.
The Center for Imaging Research (CIR) was created in 2002 to support researchers and investigators from universities across Southeastern Wisconsin. Its mission is to unite basic and clinical scientists of various disciplines to further the development and application of functional imaging in health and disease. The Center also oversees the development and maintenance of infrastructure to support the currently funded research projects in functional imaging.
MRI Safety Committee approval is required if proposed research involves the use of MRI which is not standard of care performed on clinical scanners with clinical registered technologists.