
Mother Child W Physician

ʼһ Pediatric Residency PL3 Year

The PL3 year is designed to further refine patient care skills, expand medical knowledge, develop supervisory and teaching skills, and to utilize elective time to explore individual interests. At the completion of this final year, our residents have developed into outstanding clinicians and are very well-prepared to enter practice as primary care or hospital-based pediatricians, to begin subspecialty training or to pursue any other clinical or research training of their choosing.

About PL3 Year

Ambulatory Care
The resident is responsible for supervising and teaching residents in the ambulatory clinic of Midtown Clinic-Children's Wisconsin, in close collaboration with faculty attending there.
Our program offers a wide variety of elective opportunities that allow residents to explore specific interests in pediatrics while working with experts in their respective pediatric subspecialties. We also encourage interested residents to utilize elective time to pursue opportunities in research, medical education, advocacy, and global/community health. We also allow for residents to develop new electives with approval from the Program Director.
Emergency Department
Similar to experiences in the PL1 and PL2 year, but with greater capacity to function independently under the supervision of faculty and fellows.
  • The PL3 resident spends time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and attends deliveries as a part of the delivery team.
Night Shift
Similar to the PL2 experience, but with greater supervisory responsibility.
Supervisor on Inpatient Ward Team
  • PL3 residents are responsible for leading their ward team.
  • Residents directly supervise the care of patients by the PL1 residents and medical students on the team.
  • Residents develop their teaching skills under the guidance and supervision of Pediatric faculty.

Contact Us

Pediatrics Residency Program
Medical Education Office
Children's Corporate Center
999 N. 92nd St., Suite 730
Milwaukee, WI 53226

(414) 266-6800

(414) 337-7068 (fax)


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