
Ophthalmology_Hero Image 2

MCWAH Benefits, Terms, and Conditions of Employment

This page offers a brief overview of some of the department-specific benefits you鈥檒l enjoy as a resident in ophthalmology. You鈥檒l find additional detailed information about MCWAH benefits, terms and conditions of employment, institutional policies, and other resources on this MCWAH page.

Ophthalmology Resident Program Benefits

Resident Salary
For current stipend information, please visit Benefits, Conditions & Terms of Employment | Graduate Medical Education | 皇家华人 (mcw.edu) and look under Stipends.
Working Condition and Fringe Benefit
The working Condition Fringe Benefit is a $1500 per academic year taxable payment to housestaff to help defray expenses for license fees, DEA fees, license exam fees and text books.

Housestaff are not required to submit receipts to claim this benefit. Housestaff will be paid over twelve months as an addition to and included in the stipend payments received monthly.
Vacation and Leave Time
PGY1, PGY2 & PGY3 Ophthalmology residents are allowed 15 working days of annual paid vacation. PGY4 residents are granted 15 working days of vacation and 5 working days for job or fellowship interviews.

Maternity and paternity leave: Accrued sick and vacation days may be used for paid leave. Additional unpaid leave would be granted per FMLA guidelines.
On-call Meal Subsidy
$10 per overnight shift to be used at the Froedtert cafeteria.
Basic Clinical Science Course Books and other books
The department will provide each resident with the most current set of BCSC books upon starting the program. In addition, each resident will receive a copy of “Practical Ophthalmology: A Manual for Beginning Residents”. Many specialty-specific texts and DVD’s are available for checkout from the residency coordinator for additional study and reference.
Milwaukee Ophthalmological Society Dues and Dinner
 Membership is provided for each resident to the Milwaukee Ophthalmological Society (MOS). MOS meetings are held monthly from October through April (except December). The cost of these dinner meetings is also covered for the residents.

Other conferences held in the evenings, including Cataract Conference, Microsurgical Skills Lab, and Journal Club, usually offer a department-supplied meal as well.

Contact for Residency Programs

Ophthalmology Residency

Contact information for the ophthalmology residency program at MCW

SF Match Program Office (415) 561-8535


MCW Ophthalmology Residency Program Director

Edward L. Randerson, MD


Medical Education Coordinator

Amanda Tan




Residency Program Inbox



Pediatric Optometry Residency

Contact information for the pediatric optometry residency program with MCW and Children's Wisconsin

OR Match Program Office (800) 461-6322


MCW and Children's Wisconsin Pediatric Optometry Residency Program Director

Tracey Strombeck, OD